Wolf: Blood`Marrow
Species: Wolf. Type: Blood`Marrow. Class: Undead. Align: Evil. Gender: N/A.
Level: 11 +1-D20. Damage-Points: 1-D8 x level.
Number encountered: 1-D2 per character present.
Experience-Points: 25 x level.
Awareness: Hearing: 20, Sense of Smell: 0, Sixth Sense: 0, Taste: 0, Touch: 20, Vision: 20,
Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 0, Constitution: 28, Coordination: 30, Dexterity: 30, Intelligence: 0, Mental-Strength: 0, Strength: 27, Wisdom: 0.
Flying: Can't. Grounded: 14. Swimming: 3 (will walk underwater -- not swim).
Luck: 0.
Oxygen-Points: N/A (this creature does not need oxygen to exist).
Blood-Points: N/A (this creature does not need oxygen to exist).
Bites ---------- : 1
Damage ------ : 1-D6 (+ 1-D6 per level advanced).
Range -------- : 1 space (5').
Attack type - : Sharp.
Special ------- : See: "Special Offenses".
Defense: 30. Offense: 30.
Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:
60+ for 1-D2 treasure checks.
Begin rolling on the UnCommon chart.
Check for each to have treasure.
Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.
Description: Eye color: Hollow. Eye shape: Medium-sized and slanted. Height: 3' 0" at the shoulders. Length: 4'-6". Posture: Quadruped. Fur color: Auburn-red. Fur texture: Course and rotted (missing in patches. Weight: 120 Lbs.
This undead appears as a half skeletal, half rotted wolf with blood-red fur.
Dislikes ----- : N/A.
Disposition - : Instinctively on the hunt.
Fears -------- : None.
Habitat ------ : Catacombs, Crypts, Graveyards, Great Burial Grounds and Tombs within many regions.
Immunities - : Only physically damaging spells can harm this undead (i.e., Dart, Lightning-Bolt, Etc.). Mind altering spells and manipulations have no effect.
Life-span --- : N/A.
Likes -------- : N/A.
Needs ------- : None.
Note --------- : None.
Special Abilities:
See: "Special Offenses".
Special Defenses:
See: "Special Offenses".
Special Offenses:
Bloodcry: At the beginning of their turn there will be a 25% chance that the entire Blood`Marrow Wolf pack will cease attacking and, in unity, raise their heads, sending up a ghastly howl. All living creatures within the sound of Bloodcry must make a successful avoidance-roll vs. "Faith", or be drained 1-D4 Blood-Points x the number of Blood`Marrow Wolves present. Blood-Points drained from victims will be divided equally (rounded up) into the pack in the form of healing.
The class of Deth`Knell and Necromancer will gain two chances to avoid Bloodcry.
Susceptibilities and Weaknesses: Holy abilities, powers and spells cause x2 effect on this undead.
Weapon Susceptibilities: Rank-3 magical weapon to harm.